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The Developer Path
Developer Path Part 1 (1:05)
Developer Path Part 2 (0:34)
The Terminal
Intro to the Terminal (7:40)
Advanced Navigation (5:13)
Command Flags (5:12)
Creating and Destroying (8:39)
Moving and Copying (7:06)
Find and Inspect (6:51)
Recap (7:46)
The Text Editor
What's a Text Editor? (4:53)
Working Inside a Text Editor (5:50)
Installing Extensions (4:29)
Git and GitHub
Intro to Git (5:45)
Connecting Git to GitHub (9:13)
Using Git Inside the Text Editor (8:59)
The Ruby Interpreter (5:26)
Installing the Ruby Version Manager (10:17)
IRB (3:40)
Variables and Strings (8:59)
Conditionals (10:10)
Let's Make a Calculator! (10:34)
Arrays (7:03)
Hashes (8:15)
Blocks and Iterating (13:57)
Methods (4:37)
Classes (10:18)
Awesome Calculator, Part 1 (3:39)
Awesome Calculator, Part 2 (10:24)
Awesome Calculator, Part 3 (8:45)
A Sprinkle of JavaScript (11:59)
Building an HTML/CSS static site
CSS (8:02)
HTML (9:28)
Columns (5:55)
Cards (7:34)
Images and Copy (10:06)
Prep for Launch (10:45)
Ship It! (11:00)
Building a Rails App
Rails Routes (6:09)
New Rails App (8:59)
Controllers and Requests (12:57)
Rendering (8:55)
The Rails Template (10:51)
First Database Table and Model (17:44)
Creating a Timeline (11:07)
Style with CSS and Bulma (6:48)
Adding a Form to Post New Tweets (17:02)
Add a User Profile (16:05)
Edit Profile Link (17:25)
Data Validation (11:21)
Wrap-up (14:11)
Moving and Copying
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